August 2016

Monthly Archives

  • What are Acupuncture Points?


    “The center of the universe is underneath the tip of your needle, and it is communicating with the point.” Koei Kuwahara People often ask me, “What is an acupuncture point?” Another great question is, “How would you describe these acupuncture points?” In my experience and training in Japan, I came to realize blind acupuncturists know […]

  • Healing the Heart (a Fire out of Control)


    What has happened at the essence of their being? This is the question you should internally ask yourself in order to treat at the level of spirit. You must have this information to treat the heart meridian. My Sensei once told me, “These people, who have Hearts that can’t bear the burdens of this life […]

  • Wu Walk Part 3


    So when I am stepping, now all of the focus at first needs to be on opening kidney 1. As I feel the strengthening of the structure, which allows Kidney 1 to open up, the structure creates a greater flow of Qi. I can see in my mind’s eye the opening of the 5th metatarsal […]